Înapoi: Oțel inoxidabil lustruit Înșurubat înapoi cu inscripții Piaget
Sex: bărbați
Mișcarea: Quartz (baterie)
Calitate: Japoneză Miyota
Caz: Carcasă din oțel inoxidabil din oțel inoxidabil
Brățară: Rose Linked – brățară din oțel inoxidabil lustruit cu o clapetă ascunsă
Brățară Lungime: 275 x 17 mm
Bezel: 18K Rose – Bezel placat
Tipul benzii: Oțel inoxidabil
Diametru: 34 x 37 mm
Sticlă: Crystal Sapphire
Crown: 18K Rose-Gold Cutwork Coroană
Cazul grosime: 7 mm
Sex: Bărbați
Diametru: 34 x 37 mm
Mișcare: cuarț (baterie)
Mar 31, 2020 … Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages of mental development., Piaget Dancer Replica de înaltă calitate Ceasuri 4640; . Jean William Fritz Piaget (UK: /piˈæʒeɪ/, US: /ˌpiːəˈʒeɪ, pjɑːˈʒeɪ/, French: [ʒɑ̃ pjaʒɛ]; 9 August 1896 – 16 September 1980) was a Swiss psychologist known …. Jean Piaget: Life and Theory of Cognitive Development? Piaget. Jean Piaget, (born August 9, 1896, Neuchâtel, Switzerland—died September 16, 1980, Geneva), Swiss psychologist who was the first to make a systematic study …; Jean Piaget's Theory and Stages of Cognitive Development – Simply …? Jean Piaget and His Theory & Stages of Cognitive Development.
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